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Coccidia in rabbits and Ponazuril

22 9:58:46

QUESTION: I understand that Ponazuril (brand name Marquis from Bayer)is becoming "the drug of choice" in treating coccidia in rabbits.  I brought 6 rabbits into my rescue on Saturday (6/5) and they have all tested positive for coccidia.  I mentioned to my Vet, Dr. Anaker, that Ponazuril sounded as though it would be the better route to take for the cure.  There are now, including the 6 new ones, 65 rabbits here.  Dr. Anaker cannot find the dosage for it, to give the rabbits.  I realize that it is expensive but, that is not a problem.  Can you please send the dosages and how to administer?  Thank you, charlotte

ANSWER: Dear Charlotte,

We have used ponazuril to treat coccidia at a dose of anywhere between 20 - 50mg/kg with good success.  Since we have seen no adverse side effects at the higher dose, and have seen some survival of coccidia at the lower doses, we now routinely use the drug at 50mg/kg for domestic rabbits with coccidiosis.

You can actually get a cheaper version of toltrazuril sulfate (the active ingredient in Marquis) in the form of Baycox, which is formulated specifically to treat coccidiosis.  You can find the drug as formulated for racehorses here:

Otherwise, you can get a horse tube of the more concentrated stuff for about $200, and this will treat a whole herd of rabbits several times.  It's also great for coccidiosis in other species, so your vet might want to make that investment.  I can send dilution instructions, if anyone needs them.  But please write directly to if you want that, since it's a bit easier for me to send it from there.

Hope this helps.

Good luck!


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I wrote to "dana", as she asked, for the dilution instructions.  She never got back to me.

Dear Charlotte,

I did not receive an email at my regular address from you, so I'm sorry you didn't get the instructions. It is also possible that you're one of those who wrote to me, but didn't turn off your bounce/spam filter, and my return message bounced.  Please try again at and be *sure* you modify your ISP's recipient list so that my return message to you arrives safely.
