Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Bunnies eating hair?

Bunnies eating hair?

22 10:12:28

Hi, I have a problem with my two rabbits. I have a boy who is nearly 2 he has been neutered, and a girl who's about 8 months. They are both house bunnies and both have long hair, I'm pretty sure they are lionheads.

Well anyway, the problem is that recently the girl, has been nibbling alot of hair off the boy.

It just looks like she is grooming him but she is eating the hair... looks like he has had a really bad haircut!

Aside from him looking a little scruffy he doesn't seem to mind but should I be worried? Is there anything I can do to stop her? I had heard that eating excessive amounts of hair can clog her digestive tract.

I will ofcourse be grateful for any help or advice you can offer, Thanks so much, Charlie

Dear Charlie,

A bunny will over-groom a companion only when bored, in most cases.  Try providing the bunnies with *lots* of free running time and toys:

so she'll be distracted and not tempted to trim him.  

If this fails, note where she's grooming, and try to keep his fur in those areas trimmed and well combed so she won't be tempted to groom and eat the fur.

Be sure both bunnies get lots of fresh hay, fresh water and fresh greens:

as this will help push any ingested hair through the digestive tract with a minimum of trouble.

Hope this helps.
