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Rabbits - sneezing and a possible tumor

22 11:11:12

I recently bought two holland lop does, about a month ago.  They are
now three months old.  Later, I discovered that one of them is actually a
buck (oops).  Anyways, the little doe, Hazel, has been sneezing a lot, so I
changed her litter and hay to corn cob and timothy, but it hasnt helped
much.  She is still hyper and eating well, but is there anything else I can
do to help her?  Also, my buck, Silver, has tripled in size but she hasnt
grown at all.  As for Silver, he's growing great and eating and hyper, but,
as I have been checking his gender to make sure hes actually male, I
found today that there is a weird flap of skin, a sort of flattened circle,
totally hairless and sticking out, about and inch from his "area."  Its not
a lump and doesnt seem to hurt him.  Does he need to go to a vet or is
he ok?  Thank you very very very very much for your time and helpa!

Dear Kaela,

You need to get your bunny to a good vet to be examined for possible upper respiratory tract infection.  Before you go, read:


An infection may be stunting her growth because she's using a lot of energy to fight it.  Antibiotics will probably help, and you should waste no time getting her to a good vet.

You can find a good vet here:

Note that rabbits reproduce like rabbits!  The flap of skin you found is probably the bunny's scrotum, and that means his testicles are descended or about to descend.  Once that happens, he can start to make functional sperm and impregnate the female.  All it takes is a few seconds, and pregnancy is assured.  Please read:


Corn cob litter is not recommended because it can be very dangerous if ingested.  Use pelleted sawdust or a pelleted product such as CareFresh or Yesterday's News, instead.  Those are safe and effective.

I hope this helps.
