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Rabbit incontinence?

22 10:01:00

I have recently adopted a 5 year old male rabbit. he is currently living in the house and poo's everywhere he is also weeing in different places. the reason i am not sure if he has control is when he wee's he doesn't sit like other rabbits i have had do-they shuffle back and lift their tail, you wouldn't know he was doing it until you see the wet patch! however, his bottom in clean, and all his poo's are formed, also he seems to know when he needs to redigest so i am totally confused! thanks for taking time to read this.


in a new home (new space) rabbits will mark.  They overmark other animals' scents (we can't smell them, they can) and they also mark their territory boundaries.  For the places he pees regularly, just put a litterpan down there.  Most will hop into the pan and mark in the pan.  You can always put a little hay in the pan on one end to entice them to use the pan while marking.  If they can munch while marking often so much the better.

This is a behavior that is reduced in fixed rabbits, but it doesn't go away, so you need to jsut provide an acceptable alternative they can mark on.  You can also put a 'sacrificial' cotton carpet or folded over cotton towel down underneath the pans or by themselves, and then every few days swap out and wash.