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my rabbit cant control its bladder

22 10:30:11

Hello, i have had my rabbit for almost five years he has had a healthy life untill now, he will pee and poo all the time and alot of pee and poo might i add (Aprox 30 poops at a time), why is this so please help me as he is my special bouncing bunny, Kind regards tegan

Often when something has changed in their peeing and pooping habits it can indicate a health problem.

Some other signs to look for are increased water intake, peeing and/or pooping outside the litter box, a change in how the poops look, perhaps a loss of tone or a loss of weight.  If you see any of those, you want to make a note of that.

Rabbits age differently, and your bun could have entered the senior citizen stage of his life.  

With my rabbits, I follow a philosophy similar to the one described in this article:

My advice would be to make an appointment with a rabbit experienced vet.  Tell the vet all the symptoms you see.  My recommendation would be to ask the vet to run a urine test and do some bloodwork.  This work could determine the health issue affecting your bun, and would also have the benefit of having a work up on file.  As your bun ages, this can be quite helpful for you and your vet.  

Seeing a vet would be the best course to nail down what is going on with your rabbit.

good luck