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Water for my Rabbit?

22 11:24:00

Dear Dr. Krempels,
I am confused about what kind of water is the safest and healthiest  my bunnies should drink? I went to a HRS rabbit seminar a few days ago and asked the following question.

What kind of water should I offer my bunnies?
Which water is better:
a) Bottled Drinking Water?
b) Tap Water
c) Bottled Spring Water?
d) Bottled Distilled Water?

The rabbit-people gave me different answers. Some people said that distilled water lacks the necessary minerals for your body. Others said that they don't trust tap water, and others said that they don't trust bottled water because it is not regulated.

I have been giving distilled water to my bunnies. I want my bunnies to drink to best possible water I can find. I don't trust tap water especially here in Milwaukee.

I did some research on the internet and found out that consuming distilled water is controversial because there are some advocates who claim that its purity cleanses the toxins from your body. However, there are some critics who claim that it robs your body of the essential minerals. argues that neither arguments is backed by chemistry and biology.

As far as bottled drinking water, bottled spring water, many argue that the sources are pretty much questionable and are basically tap water.

I am very confused, but right now I am more inclined to give my bunnies bottled distilled water. What does your expertise on the subject recommend?

Dear Miguel,

This question is as difficult to answer for a rabbit as it is for a human.  Technically speaking, tap water should be safe, though most big cities might have more chemicals in the water than we'd like to drink.  It won't kill anyone outright, but no one knows what long-term effects of drinking it might be.

Bottle drinking water?  Again, there's no guarantee that this isn't just bottled tapwater with a hefty price tag.  I'm not a big fan.

Bottled spring water?  Well, springs can be contaminated, too.  It really depends on where the spring is, and whether you can trust the bottlers.

Distilled water?  I don't care what the New Agey types say:  this is NOT healthy for drinking.  Natural water contains electrolytes and minerals that are good for you.  Distilled water is 100% pure water, and so it will osmotically draw electrolytes and minerals out of the body.  It's just not a good idea to drink this on a regular basis.

My solution:  I have an activated charcoal filter connected to my tap water.  It was kind of pricey (a cartridge that lasts a year costs about $119), but it's worth it.  This way, you are filtering your *own* water, and getting most of the nasty stuff out of it without stripping it of all the electrolytes and minerals.

There are many different types of tap filters on the market, and that's the way I'd go.  You can check with Consumer Reports to see which brands are the most effective, and the best value.

I can see why anyone would be confused with all the conflicting information out there. So I offer you my educated opinions as yet another bit of information.  I hope it helps!
