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What makes a rabbit really like people?

22 10:57:29

I like to make my young bunnies and kits like to be around people and handled.  It seems that it's not the amount of handling that makes them mellow.  Kits from the same litter which I try to treat the same turn out different ranging from very friendly and always licking to a bit nervous.  Another young bun from another litter is very calm about being picked up and is very relaxed on his back while his brother would avoid being touched.

Dear Tom,

Like humans, rabbits have different personalities, and it's not all nurture.  As you've noticed, a lot of it has to do with the genetic luck of the draw.  Even identical twin human s have different personalities, and rabbits are no different.

You can gently handle the babies, and this will help habituate them to people.  But a very nervous bunny will not likely ever become calm.  Please see:


I hope that helps.
