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pregant or not

22 10:49:18

two to three weeks ago i got a female rabbit from a friend and they said she was probly pregnant, and due any day.she was housed with two males. she has pulled her hair out and even been making a nest.i check on her five or six times a day to see if she has had them but she Hansen. how do i tell if she is pregnant or if it is a false pregnancy,and do they hide their babies after they have them?


First, make sure you have a nestbox for her. Here is a website with some information:

Without a nestbox, the kits will not be confined and could easy be killed by the movement of the doe in her cage. It is very essential that you buy or build a nestbox if you have not already.  If she has already pulled fur, you can just add it to the nestbox and she should take care of the rest. :)

The best way to tell if the pregnancy is false is to either palpate at 14 days or wait it out. The full gestation period is 28-32 days. Since the rabbit is near being due, palpation is not an option. If after 34 days from the date of breeding she has still not conceived, you can remove the nestbox.

As far as care of baby rabbits, I am going to Include some links to articles. Good luck!