Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Carpet


22 11:11:39

Hello Samantha,
I have an 8 week old mini lop that seems persistant in chewing on my carpet. I dont really care about the carpet but I dont want him to swallow the carpet fibers and get a blockage, but covering up the carpet is not an option. Any ideas how I can get him to stop? There is plently of other things around for him to chew as well. I've tried telling him "NO" loudly whenever he does it. He will stop for a moment then continue, ignoring my calls of "NO", until I physically have to go over and push him away.
Please help!
Thank you

You can spray air freshener or perfume on the places he chews. This will deter him from wanting to chew. If this doesn't work, you may want to limit him to only rooms with solid floors such as a kitchen or bathroom until he gets a bit older and grows out of his chewing on everything young stage of development. He is probably chewing it because he doesn't really know what it is and it feels weird to him.