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my rabbits behaviour has changed

22 9:50:24

Hello Pam,
My mini lop rabbit's behaviour has changed. He is about 11 months old.  He lives in our house and has been trained to use a litter.  He was quite tame when we got him at 10 weeks old so he has been easy to train and is affectionate.  All of a sudden he is pooing all over the house, and biting the corners of walls. He has become almost obsessed with me.  He is constantly around my feet and scratching at my legs.  He bit me recently, which is not like him.  I am taking him to a vet, but wondered what were your thoughts.  Our home has five people in it, but I am his main carer.
Thank you

Hi Kerri-Anne,

Your rabbit is in his hormonal stage.  He needs to be neutered and this will stop his mating behavior.  All of the things you described are what male rabbits do when they want a girl friend.  I suspect that your vet is going to recommend neutering.  When they drop pellets all over they are marking their territory and this should sub-side once he is neutered.

Sorry I could not be of more assistance.
