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2 female rabbits mating

22 10:26:25

i have 2 female rabbits and they hump each other. they do not hump when ones head is near the others vagina. are they just horney or do u think that one could be a male but there is no sign of male reproduction parts. do you think you can help?

This sounds like normal, puberty behavior, mounting each other is something rabbits do to establish dominance with each other, and something that they do (yes even females) when they hit puberty.

If there is no fighting, blood, hair loss involved, then you shouldn't worry about it, it is normal.

Because they have hit puberty you should however have them sexed either by a vet or a breeder in your area. Just because you can't see a boys testicles doesn't mean they aren't there and fully functional.  This is just a safety precaution so that you don't end up with little rabbits in a month.

Good Luck