Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > 2 Female Lop Bunnies: One aggressive and one nice

2 Female Lop Bunnies: One aggressive and one nice

22 9:55:49

Hi Dana,
I have 2 lop Eared rabbits from the same litter and i am wondering if it is a good idea to separate them. Chloe is the rabbit i picked out and she lets me pick her up and she doesn't bite that much unless i am paying attention to her sister Zoey. Zoey is very aggressive when you try to pick her up. She kicks her legs, scratches you and attacks my hands. Also what are some good ways to get your rabbit used to being held?

Thanks Kristen

Dear Kristen,

If the two bunnies are bonded and friends with each other then do NOT NOT NOT separate them!  This would cause terrible stress for both, and make the situation worse with the aggression.  For tips on how to deal with aggressive bunnies, please read:

and for tips on how to help with a shy bun, please see:

Most rabbits do not like to be held, so it's better to play with them on their own level.  Please see all the excellent information on rabbit care at:

Both girls will need to be spayed.  Not only will this curb aggression, but also end their very high risk of uterine cancer.

I hope this helps.
