Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > sick wild bunny

sick wild bunny

22 9:57:24


2 nights ago the motion sensor light came on in my back yard.  I saw a bunny, and then I saw it was moving around in an odd fashion, falling over, hopping in circles.  I went and put a towel over it and put it in a pet carrier.  This yard is for my inside dogs and I did not want them getting it. I figured the rabbit would die overnight. It was very thin.  The next day (yesterday) it was still alive.  I discovered it had a warble. I was able to remove it.  It was huge.  The bunny is unable to sit up, will thrash around and roll itself over and over if disturbed. I had to move the carrier into a shed because ants were getting on the bunny. I syringed it some water with a slight amount of locally grown honey mixed in. It will drink from the syringe.  I thought about rabies, I am not touching the bunny, though I did clean the hole from the warble. I had hoped it would pass last night but it is still with me.  I don't have money for a vet, don't know what I should do.  Any thoughts?

Thank you,
I am attaching a picture of the larvae.  I live in Northeast TN

Dear Kathy,

This bunny's only chance for survival is to be cared for by a licensed wildlife rehabilitator.  My instructions have all the contact information for a case like this, but here it is again.  Find a wildlife rehabber here:

The bunny is very unlikely to have rabies (rabbits bitten by a rabid animal rarely live to tell the tale), but he obviously needs immediate medical attention.  Please get him to a rehapper pronto, to save his life, or at least have someone who can provide humane euthanasia if he is too far gone to save.

I hope this helps.
