Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > pregnate


22 11:10:14

my doe had babies 8 days ago--unexpectedly--and I had bred her to have babies on the 16th of nov.  heres the problem, even through she had babies last week I think she still may be pregnate with the babies that are due on the 16th. She has all the sighs and I can feel them in there. Is this uncommon or impossible? thanks leslie

Did you breed her twice? It is possible for a doe to be pregnant in both sections of her uterus and be due on two different dates. Usually the litters will be due only 2 or 3 days apart though. It is a bit uncommmon for it to happen, but not impossible. It is a result of breeding a doe one day, and then to do a pregnancy check or put her back in with the buck a week or so later. She may or may not have more babies. Just keep this in mind next time you breed her, that never breed her and then wait a few days and breed her again unless you know she is not pregnant.