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My Lionhead

22 9:42:17

Okay so I have a lionhead rabbit. I am really worked about him. His name is Mouffie. He generally sheds twice a year in the spring and fall and I always thought it was to shed his winter and summer coat. It's the end of July and he hasn't stopped shedding. I'm really worried because he's losing a lot of hair. I'm 15 and I heard my mom say that he may be sick. I'm really worried because this  I  my second rabbit. My first one died due to pneumonia. Do you have any of what may be wrong with him.

Hi Shannon

Don't panic! As rabbits get older they get thicker fur so as they get older it takes longer to moult out! My two old bunnies have been moulting since April, I'm surprised there's much fur left haha!

As long as there are no signs of bald patches, raw skin or dandruff then its nothing to worry about. If you do see dandruff it can be a sign of fur mites which will need the vet to check out.

Hope I helped!