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3 baby bunnies

22 10:58:58

Found 3 baby bunnies in my back yard. Mother was not around because it was still day light. The problem is:I have 3 dogs. 1 of the three is a pit bull. She is the one that found them. Bunnies are not safe in my yard with my dogs. If i move the babies & leave a trail of mothers fur, will the mother find the babies?

Hi Karen,

there is a good chance that the mom will find them.  I wouldn't leave a trail of the mom's fur however, they will need that for nesting material for warmth.  If you take some of the earth and non-fur material in the nest and make a trail with that, that will carry scents of the babies and her so she can work her way to them.

Mom will know the territory well around your yard and the ones next to yours.  She should be able to find them.  Most likely she will find them when it is dark and people and predators aren't around.

Thanks for caring about these little guys and moving them out of harm's way.
