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Brown Yellowy dirty butt

22 9:56:18

I recently got my seven year old bunny and after a month or two i have
realized that he is developing a dirty butt and his hind legs has a little bit of
no fur on the bottom so that i can see his raw skin. i recently introduced him
to cilantro brussel sprouts and wheat grass could that be part of it? also i
only clean the litter box once a week should i clean it more. please held. i
washed off his back legs and tryed to brush it out after is he okay. he was
runnign around outside a little too and he loved it.
please help!
thanks sooo mcuh!

Dear Courtney,

You don't specify whether his messy butt is due to urine or poops.  But if it's urine, then please see:

More common is cecal dysbiosis.  This is fully explained here:

The problem isn't that he can't digest his greens, but it could have something to do with his diet, if he's getting the wrong type of food.  Please check that here:

The second most common cause of this problem is probably pain/stress from dental disorders, such s molar spurs.  Please read:

You will need an experienced rabbit vet to help you, and you can find one via the Vet Referral Listings linked here:

In the meantime, you can safely clean bunny and keep him comfortable with the techniques described here:

I hope this helps you get to the bottom of the problem and get it under control.
