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head tilt in bunny

22 10:19:38

Dana - I just realized my last email never actually posed a question. Sorry.  I'm just wondering if you have any other ideas regarding treatment for head tilt, and if rabbits typically recover from this.  One vet has declared our bunny "uncureable" and recommended euthanizing her for lack of quality of life.  I don't agree with that yet - she's still eating, moving around, socializing and does not seem to be in pain.  The second vet clearly thinks there is hope, but says it's a matter of finding the right treatment.  Two weeks on SMZ hasn't made any difference, but I read online that some bunnies take months to recover.  We don't know what to do, but we're not ready to give up on her yet.

Dear Alison,

Yet another bit of evidence to suggest that you need a different vet!

No euthanasia!  This is what a vet would say if s/he has no experience treating torticollis in rabbits and doesn't know the underlying causes or treatments.  Stick with the second vet!

I hope the articles I sent you in the previous email will help.  If this were my bunny, I'd ask about putting her on bicillin injections (once every 48 hours), zeniquin (once every 24 hours), and Panacur (fenbendazole, once every 24 hours).  If your vet needs the dosages, please write to me privately at and I'll send them to you via email.

I hope this helps.
