Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Emergency! No nearby vet and much money for checkup..

Emergency! No nearby vet and much money for checkup..

22 9:44:42

My rabbit is not eating and his poops are soft. He is also lethargic and no longer hops, just walk.. When i thouch and press his belly underneath, its okay for him but when I apply pressure at the sides near the ribs, he dislikes it.. Now, I'm feeding him by syringe to somehow fill his stomach.. Please tell me what to do..

Dear Kim

Do not force feed him unduly.  If he has a blockage, this could make things worse.  Please read this:

If you can, invest in an inexpensive stethoscope and listen to his abdomen for normal, gurgling intestinal sounds.  If the gut is silent, this is trouble.  Please see:

for instructions.  The enema procedure is very good for getting the GI tract started again, but must be done with caution.  If you are not sure how, then have a good vet show you.  Use the international listings here to find a vet:

Hope your bunny will be fine soon.
