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rabbit illnesses: touchy spot on belly

22 9:46:53

I own a a blue lionhead he is male and has all the health injections. i layed him on his back and cutting his nails when i rubbed my hand over his belly gently i got to a spot near his diaphragm (around that spot) and he suddenly gasped he did it again when i rubbed there once again i don't think hes in serious danger but i was wondering if i should be worried and what it might be ?

Dear Nadia-jayne

A rabbit on its back is not in a normal position, and many rabbits find it stressful even though they apparently become "hypnotized" or "tranced" in that position.  I can't see the reaction your bunny is having, but I would avoid touching that spot if it seems to cause him distress.  And avoid putting him on his back unless it's absolutely necessary.  It's just not a natural, healthy position for a rabbit.

The gasp might have been an alarm reaction simply because the belly is so vulnerable, and a rabbit gives an instinctive start when that spot is touched, even by a trusted friend.  (We all have spots on our bodies we'd rather not have touched!)

So consider your bunny's perspective, and keep him feeling confident by avoiding touching spots that make him feel stressed or nervous.

Hope that helps.
