Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > how do i know if i am sick because of my bunny?

how do i know if i am sick because of my bunny?

22 10:01:38

QUESTION: Can i feed my bunny [Bella] carrot juice because she likes carrots so if she can eat carrot juice that would be awesome.Please reply back.

ANSWER: Honestly Carrots are not really that good for rabbits.  They have too much starch.  If you are making the carrot juice yourself in a juicer and are sure that is all that is in there than an occasional carrot cocktail isn't going to hurt her.  Although bunnies love carrots they are considered a treat food.  She shouldn't be getting more than one or two small carrots a week.

Good luck getting her to drink the juice.  Bunnies love carrots, the love pineapples, apples and all sorts of sweet treats.  However they like to chew them.  We will often use veggies juices on sick buns when we force feed them.  Trying to get them to drink from a bowl or water bottle is like getting a 2 year old to sit still at the movie theater for a 3 hour movie.

Honestly unless you have a reason to give her juice or you have a lot of time on your hands to make her the juice you would probably be better off just giving her a small carrot occasionally.  Rabbits teeth continue to grow throughout their lives and the act of chewing helps to wear them down so they don't become over grown or get spurs.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I just got a new  bunny so how do i know if i am getting sick of her.Because i get red scars on my hands and then they go away so how do i know its from my bunny.thank you


With the exception of very few issues like fungal infections (ringworm) and fleas there is really nothing that you can catch from a rabbit.

The red scars are probably scratches from the bunnies sharp little nails.  Whether she intentionally scratches you or if she is just scraping her nails on your hands when you hold her that is most likely all it is.  Bunnies nails are sharp.  Try nipping them off at the tips to dull them a bit.  If you don't know how to do this most rabbit savvy vets will have their tech do it for about $15.  

If your bunny is scratching you try wearing gloves when you hold her.  My 4 year old actually shows rabbits and yes she gets scratched.  I took some tube socks and cut holes in them for the tips of her fingers and her thumb.  Now she wears them whenever she plays with her bunnies so that she doesn't get scratches on her hands.

Honestly I do not know if you are asking if you are becoming sick from your rabbit or if you are getting sick of owning your rabbit.  If you are asking about becoming sick of owning your rabbit please talk to one of the experts that deals with rescued rabbits.  I don't want to be rude but I am personally having a hard time dealing with people that get a rabbit and don't do research and then don't want it.  The rescue folks will be able to help you better than I will with those types of issues.

Thank you
