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Rabbits in my back yard

22 10:01:45

I have a small dog (pikegnese) and i let him out the other day and he kept going to one spot in the yard. He would look and move, dig and move. finally i went to see what he was looking at and it is a whole in my yard with baby rabbits. there is fur around the nest. As far as i could see i counted 5. I am just wondering is there something i should do like put rabbit food outside the nest for the mother or something. i think the mother is at the bottom nursing when i saw it the first time. then the babies started to make this loud noise. i am just wondering if there is something i should do.

Hi Trecia. It is so kind of you to think of helping this little family. However the nicest thing you can do for them is to see that your little dog doesn't visit there home and that they are left unbothered. If you put pellets down it will encourage the rabbits to stay around the area to long and make them more likely candidates for cats to catch and eat. They will dispurse quickly once they leave the nest and the more distance between them the safer  each will be. Pat