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rabbit bedding and care

22 11:25:57

I have a baby rabbit and I have been given alot of different information regards to bedding, housing and diet. What kind of bedding should be in the cage? I have been using paper and hay in a small litter box. I was told today by someone who raised rabbits that they should not sleep in the hay nor should they have hay to eat more than once a week.  She also said they should not have many fruits or vegetables, just pellets every day and a few greens.  I wanted to get a hutch and keep him on the porch in that but bring him in at night in a cage while he is still young.  I think he is two months old. Does that sound like a good idea? Can you give me some feedback or advice on these questions?

Look at  Do not pay close attention to the repeated warnings about needing to spay or neuter, but do look a the other information.  I would be telling you the same things, so no use in copying.

It would probably also be a good idea to get a book either from a pet store or library for more good information.