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shy bunny

22 10:37:25

I have a very very timid 9 month old lionhead dwarf bunny. I did not know much about rabbits when I first adpoted him, but assumed i would be able to bring him out of his shell over time. I have had him for 6 months now and he still doesnt seem to like me. I'm considering letting someone else adopt him because I really feel he needs an experienced rabbit owner. But before I do that, are there any suggestions you have for me? I have tried holding him on my lap, wrapping him up in a towel, petting him everyday, nothing seems to be helping. Please let me know if you think it would be in his best interest to give him up to someone who knows more about rabbits. Thanks so much for your time.

I don't really know what to tell you aside from: these things take time. If your bunny is truly very timid, then I would suggest providing him first with a 'safe haven', a place where he can remain undisturbed. I wouldn't pick him up or force him to snuggle, as this may make him even more nervous around you.

Instead, try to acclimate to him as you would to a wild bunny. Sit at his level. Offer treats. Allow him to run around and explore on his own. Give him toys to toss around and chew. Talk to him as much as possible, especially around mealtimes, so he'll associate your voice with a good thing :-)

I don't know how long it will be, but remember, he's just a baby. Your relationship is just beginning. My boy Rex is over 8 1/2 years old now, and he was incredibly shy for a long time. He did come out of his shell eventually and now he is outgoing and active and very personable. Take every small victory as it comes and don't try to rush the process. Your patience will pay off in the end.

I would only recommend that you rehome him if you feel that you truly cannot *handle* his behavior. But it sounds as though you really care about him and are more worried about what is best for him. I thank you for being so selfless, but I would not rush to conclusions. If he has an owner who cares so much about his happiness and takes the time to give him shelter and love and security, he will respond in time.

Hope that helps!