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Rabbit colors

22 10:47:26

Sarah, I heard that if you let a nonwhite chinchilla rabbit,see another white rabbit before breeding, the chinchilla rabbit's chances of having one or two white offspring are increased. Is this true?

No, it is not. Rabbits can produce a specific colour only if they have the correct genetics to produce that specific colour.

If your chinchilla rabbit is carrying (hiding) the gene for white, it can produce white offspring if bred to a white or another rabbit that is carrying the white gene. If it is not carrying the white gene, it can never produce a white. I assume you are talking about a ruby eyed white (albino), but there are other types of white as well. Blue eyed whites are less common, but they do occur. There are also some almost white colours such as frosted pearl (AKA ermine or ghost chinchilla), lightly marked brokens (they have very little coloured spots), and himalayans (white with pink eyes, but they have colour on their nose, feet, legs, ears, and tail) are included in this. Either way, though, your chinchilla would have to have the right genetics and be bred to another rabbit with the right genetics in order to produce these colours.

If you want to learn about genetics, you can visit my website.

Simply locate the genetics section, and read the articles. I would suggest reading the articles in the order listed.