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moving babies to safer place

22 11:07:47

WE rescued a domestic bunny about a month ago that had been "set free". The old owner said it was a boy. To our surprise it started ripping out its hair and yesterday had babies behind a door in the laundry room. I would like to at least move them away from behind the door. I would really like to move them to a different room so I can do laundry. Can I put them in a little box or something? And if I should leave the in the laundry room is it ok to go in and out to do laundry? Thanks!

Dear Stephanie,

If the mama bunny trusts you, you should have no trouble moving her nest and babies.  Wash your hands very well with disinfectant soap and hot water before handling the babies (they are very susceptible to E. coli infection, and we have that all over our skin), and then carefully place nest and babies in a box with a warm towel on the bottom and one side cut out so mama can jump in and out without stepping on the nest.  

You can find full instructions for a "surprise litter" here:

I hope this helps.  Happy New Year!
