Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > The colouring of my bunny...

The colouring of my bunny...

22 10:05:20

QUESTION: Hi Patricia,

I was wondering if you could tell me what kind of colouring my little 5 month old Cookie is? It's not hugely important, I would just be curious to know, as I know there a lot of colour variations, and Cookies colouring is something I haven't personally seen through my research on the internet. I have attached a picture for you to see, she is mainly silver/grey, with a white belly and under her paws and chin, and a very dark grey nose and ears. She used to be a lot lighter but her nose and ears darkened as she got older. If you need a better picture I can do so for you.

Thank you :]

ANSWER: Hi Nicola. The bunny in the picture does not look silver/grey. The bunny looks like it might be a sable marten, but I am confused by the orange color that I see. Why don't you send me one more picture so that I feel more sure about what I am telling you. What type of bunny is this?  Pat

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QUESTION: I've attached a better picture for you, the orange colour was just the lighting in my room, I took the pic on my phone and sometimes it does that. I charged up my camera so hopefully this one is better, I can't believe she actually managed to sit for the second it took to take it, she is a bit of a livewire!

Many thanks, Nicola

ANSWER: Hi Nicola, I didn't get the second picture. The first one is the only one that comes across.  Pat

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QUESTION: Sorry about that! Hopefully it works this time :]

Hi Nicola. Oh, how pretty!!!! I do believe that she is a Sable Marten, however if she shows a bluish cast instead of brown ( I can't really tell), she would be a smoke pearl marten. I'm thinking the blue tint is there around the ears?? Lovely, lovely bunny.  Pat