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Time to sau goodbye?

22 11:12:06

So today i spent about an hour just purely brushing her, and wiping her down, it seems that i have gotten rid of about 90% of the loose fur, she looks alot better and her coat is very very smooth now. There is still a little bit of shedding but not nearly as much as before. And now, she seems to be alot happier and excited (especially when you tell her how pretty she looks) Do you think i should still take her to a vet? or would it just be a waste of time?

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Question -
My rabbit is 6 and a half years old, and is a dwarf rabbit. She has lived indoors her whole life. Recently, (the past 2-3 weeks) she has been shedding alot, abnormal ammounts. She has never ever shed this much before. Everytime anyone pets her, or holds her there is hair everywhere. Her hair is black and it is starting to go grey and the fur underneathe is almost knotted looking. I can tell when i brush her she doesnt enjoy it. She also has been acting different lately, she doesnt want to play as much and she doesnt move when you hold her or snuggle up to you like she normally does, she kindof just sitts there. There was an incident when she was younger (aprox when she was 3 1/2) she got heat stroke, and has affected her ever since. Is she in pain? i cant tell. I just dont know what to do.

Answer -
Your right, this is unusual shedding. Most when they shed, they do it little by little until all new hair is growing in. If her eating and drinking habits have changed, you probably need to have her see a vet. There could be a serious internal illness going on, and you are just seeing the outside effects. Sorry I couldn't have helped more.

If she is acting 100% better than before, then i see no need to take her. She may have been feeling down, because the excess shedding was causing her some dicomfort. Since she was shedding soo much, it was probably that she couldn't get it lose enough, so it was kinda matting, like you described, and now that you got it brushed out, she probably is feeling much better. Just keep watch of her food and water intake for a few days, and if it stays the same, then call her cured! Just a bad hair day. We all know how we feel on those days!