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elimination problem

22 11:22:24

We recently built a new rabbit cage for our multiplying rabbits!  We made two rooms for each sex:  bedding area(wooden bottom so I can put straw in coler weather); eliminating area(wire mesh that pellets can fall through to the ground).  Problem is they are using the bedding side as a litter box.  How do I correct this habbit?  

Unfortunately, a lot of times rabbits will use a solid bottom area as a litterbox. You might try putting an actual rabbit or cat litterbox in the cage with them. Put it in the bedded area (in whatever part of it they go to the bathroom the most in), and put some of their feces and urine in the litterbox. Keep the bedded area as clean as possible, but let the litterbox get a little bit messy. That way the rabbits will smell that they have gone to the bathroom in the litterbox more than the bedded area.

Once rabbits have picked a spot to go, it can be hard to change it. However, a litterbox with the suggestions I gave is the best way to try to change it.