Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Noises!


22 11:21:13

I have had rabbits for years now, 3 of them at different times and I just love them. I can't help but worry about my latest as all of my previous have had teeth problems and have died from them. My current rabbit has had his 4 front teeth removed, and he also has back molers which will need filing down every few months which i feel very bad about. He has over the course of a couple of years been making this squeaky noise when he eats and cleans himself, almost like a guinea pig! I just wondered if I should be worried about this, i asked a vet ages ago what it was and they said it was just him? I'd be very appreciative to know your opinion, thanks very much!


Dear Tracey,

I've known several rabbits who are "noisy groomers."  When they bend around and reach hard-to-get places, they vocalize in little, high-pitched grunts.  I've never considered that anything to worry about unless the bunny shows any signs of respiratory distress, such as lifting nose high in the air to breathe, or laboring to draw breath.  If in doubt, have a good rabbit vet listen to his lungs and other organs to be sure he's not got any hidden problems:

It may be that your little guy is just noisy.  :)

Hope that helps set your mind at ease.
