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My male rabbit has attitude!

22 9:46:56

The boy in question...
The boy in question...  
Hello and thanks for your time. Ever since my male rabbit was fixed and separated from his lady love-bunny, he's been completely different. Both rabbits were given equal amounts of attention, are litter trained, get fed the same diet (a mixture of pellets and goodies + veggies), have the same set up (we have a three-tiered bunny cage), have toys, have a house to chew on, get treats etc. The female is super chill, loves to be held, go exploring and is great. The male is grumpy at times, aggressive with food, and has charged my hand a few times. I have a few questions.

1. What is the best approach to the male's aggressive behavior? Should I be persistent, as he's not aggressive at all times? Meaning do I keep patting him, and taking him out of his cage? Or do I take a more laid-back approach, letting the bunny come to me?

2. Both are litter trained. I used the recycled newspaper litter. He has a habit of kicking the litter out for some reason. Is there another litter I can try? Otherwise he's going straight into the pan.

3. I worry about their feet, as they are on a mesh wire -- is there a mat of some kind that I can put in their cage, so they can at least receive partial relief?

Hi bianca I would take the layer back approach just let him do Ashe wants but now and again offer him a treat- this way he will get to trust you and be more friendly
Try another rabbit litter from the pet store and see what he does with it
All rabbits must have something soft under foot - mine have solid floors with 2 inches of sawdust on them , this prevents sore hocks
Put some matting down will be ok but it soils quite quickly