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2 male rabbits fighting

22 9:45:36

I have breed one litter of dwarf lop rabbits there were 3 boys and one girl and lived withe their mother. We had all the 3 boys neutered but recently as we entered the molting season the 2 bigger boys started fighting. We separated them leaving the worst hurt with the 2 smallest siblings( 1 girl 1 boy). And the other with his mother. There have been no more fights but we would really like to get the family of five together again. How do we do this?

Hi Francesca it will be difficult as the fighting isto show dominance over the other.
I would put the two fighters together in a fresh cage and watch how they react , if they start to fight remove them straight away
Try this several times , say three times a week and if they still fight it means they will always be fighting