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mysterious death

22 10:53:45

hi, my 4 year old french lop died this morning. he was fine when i put him and his companion to bed but critically listless at 8.00 this morning. i have rabbits go into shopck in the past so applied the advice of my vets - warmth mainly but within the hour he was dead. he was 'flat' but not struggling. he cried out just before he died - could this be heart failure?
a previous raccit died in a similar way and the vet said it was shock. they have v secure housing with a specailist night cover and the other rabbit is fine. there were no problems with stools, teeth or urine.
k. johnson

Dear Kim,

I'm so sorry about this tragic death.  But sadly, there is no way to know for certain why he died without a post mortem exam.  I would *not* take him to the vet who proclaimed "shock", though.  On what basis was that diagnosis made?  It sounds like a wild guess from a vet who doesn't know much about rabbits, unless there was strong reason to suspect the rabbit had a reason to go into shock.

Sudden onset of signs like lethargy and listlessness can be a signal of any number of ailments, from a liver torsion to an intestinal obstruction to a per-acute onset of a systemic infection.  There are just too many possibilities for anyone to make a guess without more information from a post-mortem.  If you have the heart for it, this would be the way to go, as sad as it is.

You can find an experienced rabbit vet here:

who will know the proper things to do to give you some answers and closure.  In the meantime, if you can tell me more about the circumstances surrounding this tragic event, I might be able to help:  Was the temperature unusually high?  Was the bunny eating normally and well before he showed signs of illness?  Was his abdomen bloated?  You can get more clues here:

Again, I am so very sorry.  I hope you and your surviving rabbit will be able to comfort one another through this ordeal.  Pay special attention to her, and watch for any signs that she's so depressed that she wants to follow her mate.  This can happen, and requires a lot of love and distraction on your part so that she will eventually be able to help you choose a new friend from among those at your local rabbit rescuer:

I hope this doesn't sound callous, but my concern is both for you and your surviving bunny now, since your sweet boy is no longer suffering or in need of help.

Please write back if you have any other questions.  I am sending many healing thoughts to you and your bunny.

Take care,
