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rabbit mother

22 11:09:33

 Hi, two rabbits I am petsitting are, well, were pregnent. One gave birth, and I assumeed had eaten hers, just resently I discovered otherwise. The other rabbit (that I believe is also pregnent) hasn't given birth yet. She doesn't seem very bright. She uses her bedding and house as a litterbox so she sleeps on the wire. What should I do?

Hi Ava,
Are the 2 females together? If so, then I would seperate them .  If the other rabbit is using her bed as a litter it's very normal..and annoying! But if you see that she's pulled fur out from her belly,give her a nestbox to have her babies in.
 Did the other one eat them? Or did you find them after?  Wasn't clear to me...sorry.
 If she has them in a nest,just leave them alone and she'll take care of them.  Too much intervention will only cause harm.  Make sure both females are given unlimited rabbit pellets,as they get hungrier now...and always fresh clean water.  
That's about it...good luck,Elizabeth