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Carpet Attack!

22 10:49:18

I have a lionhead rabbit and just recently moved to a carpetted apartment (studio).  When I let him run around the area, he attacks the carpet. I am concerned about this because he might eat/inhale dirty stuff into his body.  Do you know why he is having this behavior? Is there something I can do?
I buy him wood and give him cardboards to chew on and play with.  He doesn't like anything except food. :)

Thank you!

ANSWER: Do you mean that he digs at the carpet? This is a fairly normal response for rabbits, and it will not harm him. You might consider getting him a pan with dirt in it to dig in, though. Rabbits love to dig.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: He uses his teeth to pull the carpet, putting the yarn-strings completely off the carpet. I am just afraid that he will eat the yarn, and make him sick.
Where can I find it? Do I buy it in the pet store? How do I know if it is ok for him to play with the sand?

Eating the carpet is more of a concern, yes. It can bind in his system if he does eat it. However, most rabbits that pull at carpet do not actually eat it.

A long flat lasagna dish or something similar filled with sand or dirt is fine. Most likely he will dig it all out, so it will need to be replaced, but it is fun for rabbits to be able to dig and play in the dirt.