Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > a bump that appears to me like a mole

a bump that appears to me like a mole

22 10:26:34

My dwarf rabbit has a bump that i tried looking at she doesn't like being held so i did my best to look. It reminds me of a mole that people sometimes have that come off of the skin. It is the same size or smaller than a rabbit turd : ) It seemed to be skin color. I was wondering what it might be and weather I should take her to the vet. The closest rabbit vet is two hours away!

Dear Rachelle,

If the spot isn't pigmented, it is probably not something serious.  It might be a wart. But if it's under the skin and hard, it could be an abscess.  

Keep an eye on the lesion for a week or so.  If it changes shape or gets larger, I'd get your bunny to a good rabbit vet:

to have it checked and treated, if necessary.

Hope this helps.
