Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > litter made from coconut husks - safe?

litter made from coconut husks - safe?

22 10:07:23

I have seen a few new organic light weight litters made from coconut husks that really seem to be getting a ton of praise for their odor eliminating qualities. I am wondering if the coconut husks could cause digestive problems or would it break down like cardboard does?

Thank you.  

Dear Jennifer,

There shouldn't be anything in coconut husk that would be particularly dangerous (it's mostly cellulose and lignin, like sawdust pellets).  I've never tried these, but would be interested to do so if they're cheaper than expensive sawdust pellets, such as Equine Pine (cheaper than Feline Pine).

Coconut husks are safe for bunnies, especially if they're ground up finely.  If the litter is expensive, then I wouldn't think it would be any better than a pelleted sawdust litter such as Equine Pine.  That stuff is fantastic, and it's the only thing we use.

Hope that helps.
