Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > 3 week old bunnies

3 week old bunnies

22 10:49:28

My little dog dragged up a bunny and my dad just let her eat it and then my big dog had one and we knew he was eating something but then we heard a squill and knew it was another baby then my cousin's dog brought up another one and it was still alive so my mom and dad decided to let my sister take care of it and she needs to know how often to feed it and any tip you can give us to help it to survive. We don't know anything about 3 week old bunnies. Can you help us please??? Thanks Kelsi

Dear Kelsi,

The baby's best chance for survival is to carefully wipe it off with some fresh grass to remove as much dog smell as possible, and then put it back in the nest.  KEEP THE DOGS AWAY FROM THE NEST AT ALL TIMES.  Now that they know it's there, they will return if you let them.

I certainly hope the baby the dog ate was already dead when your dad allowed the dog to eat it.  If not, I wonder about your dad's ability to feel compassion and empathy.  The idea that he would allow your dog to eat a live baby rabbit is absolutely sickening.  Truly a sign of a sick mind.

Please see:

I hope this helps.
