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3yr old female bunny - now on drug chlor-palm for eyes/nose and feet sores

22 9:56:13

My poor bunny Chicklet has been through everything!

- She had to get her front teeth removed due to a overlap.
- in her dewlap there was a tumor (came back negative thankfully) that had to be surgically removed.
- she has been spayed.
- about a year ago she was treated with Lime Baths, Revolution and Ivermectin for parasites.
- she has chronic eye infections due to her tear ducts not draining properly and now has a cataract.

Anyways now they put her on Chlor Palm (50mg/ml twice a day) and my mom and I are worried about that drug. We were told that humans cannot have any contact with the drug for risk of a blood infection. Is this really safe for a bunny?

She has been through so much in 3 years and I don't want to give her something that cna be potient to both my mom and me but also to her.

Please advise!

Dear Katrina,

The chloramphenicol (Chlor Palm) is safe for rabbits, though given orally it can sometimes cause mild upset tummy.  If this happens, ask the vet about choosing another rabbit-safe antibiotic (e.g., Baytril, cioprofloxacin, etc.).  If this is for the runny eyes and nose, please read:


Don't get the chlor on yourself or ingest it.  This is one of those rare drugs that adversely affects only humans (even other great apes can apparently take it without harm.  But in humans, it can cause fatal aplastic anemia, destroying the bone marrow.).  So handle with care.  And, if possible, get bun on a more benign antibiotic.

You might want to get another opinion from a rabbit expert vet:

Hope this helps.
