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introducing rabbits together.

22 10:56:44

Hi there,
I have a 5 year old dwarf rabbit, and he lives in a large cage (5 ft x 3ft, 2 levels), that I rescued about a year ago, his previous owners had him in a tiny cage, living in his own feces, so i saved him. Anyways, i also have 2 dogs, 2 cats, and 3 guinea pigs ( i rescue alot of pets), and Oreo (my rabbit) loves running aroung the house with all the other animals, especially the guinea pigs and cats. So today i decided to go and get him a friend, so he woundn't be lonely. I bought a 1 month old baby New Zealand Rabbit. ( i know they get large) i bought a male ofcourse, and i brought him home, and let the 2 rabbits meet. Oreo was fine for 2 seconds, they mounted my baby bunny, and bit him hard!, so i put Oreo back in his cage, and let the other bunny run freeall aroung the room, and Oreo isnt biting through the cage or anything, just when they are both free. What can i do, or how should i introduce them, so they like each other? please help ASAP.
Thank you very much.

Hi Brittany

Well since the older one usually gets free run of the house he considers that his territory and doesn't want any other strange buns in his area.  I hope he is neutered but if he isn't you should have that done.  It is really a simple and safe procedure on bucks.

The baby is to little to be neutered he will have to wait until he is about 4 months old.  The best thing to do is let them get to know each other in a neutral area,  one where neither has ever been.  Bonding male rabbits is tough but it can be done.  It is just so important to get them neutered so that they don't have so many hormones.

I would let them be in a cage near each other until you can get them fixed.  Let them get used to each other.  Try play sessions in a neutral area and then when they are fixed you can go through the whole bonding process.  

I am attaching several websites on bonding so that you can get a better idea of what to do.  Like I said before though male to male is sometimes difficult.  Mounting is ok and it shows dominance but biting and all out fighting they need to be separated immediately.

Here are some sites that can help you.  I could type it all out but its all the same information.

Thank goodness you saved that rabbit.  What a good person you are.  I hope that you can successfully bond them but just be aware that there are occasions where rabbits will refuse to bond.

Good luck and if you have any more questions please let me know.

Pam  on the second page of this one it has a help line that is very useful.  this one is my favorite