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Amorous Bunny

22 10:31:53

Hi, Dr. Krempels.

How can I stop my 6-month old bunny from "humping" everything in sight? Legs, feet, etc. He has an appointment to be neutered next month. (That's the soonest I can afford to do so. It's about $300 out of pocket in my area.) He just started the behavior, but it's getting worse. I just want to curb it while until I can get him to the vet. (I tried giving him his own stuffed bunny, but now he is in love with his stuffie, as well as my feet, legs, arm ... he even chases me around when he's in an amourous fit.)

Dear Baxter's Mom,

Unfortunately, the only thing that will stop his humping is the neutering operation.  Until then, just keep his stuffed bunny handy and grit your teeth. :(  

Fortunately, the behavior should stop within a week or so of the neuter, and peace will return to your household.

Good luck!
