Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > bunny stopped moving his right hind leg

bunny stopped moving his right hind leg

22 9:55:49

all of a sudden my bunny, Marshmallow doesn't want to use one hind leg. He is eating fine and acting totally normal. one leg is totally limp though. when i tickle The bottom of his foot he does curl his toes. whats wrong with my bunny?

Dear Ahleena,

Your bunny may have injured his leg, either fractured, dislocated or just sprained it.  But if it's totally limp, the injury sounds serious.  This is not the place to seek help with a serious problem like this.  You need to get him to a good rabbit vet NOW:

for diagnosis and treatment.

I hope he will be fine, but you MUST get him to the vet right away.
