Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > rabbit cold

rabbit cold

22 10:49:14

my bunny sneezes a lot and today it got a whit e bump on its nose can you tell me what it is?

Hi Ethan

Rabbits can carry an illness called snuffles.  It is highly contagious and can be spread.  It often presents with frequent sneezing and white discharge.  They can also get sores on their face from the illness.

I am not saying that your bunny has this since they can get colds also but the only way to tell is to get it to a vet immediately and have it tested.  If a rabbit has snuffles and it goes untreated it can lead to pneumonia and death.  Although they will be life long carriers, they can lead a productive and happy life with treatment.  The vet will probably prescribe Baytril or some other similar medication.

Please take him in immediately before it gets worse.  You also want to keep him away from any other rabbits and make sure that he has fresh air constantly.

Good luck and I am sorry I can't give you a more definitive diagnosis without lab tests.

