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Rabbit had babies two are diff color

22 11:08:58

My sons rabbit just had 5 babies. Three are a pink color and two are a blackish blue color. Does that mean there is something wrong with the two? And we did not know the rabbit was going to have babies and the fur the rabbit had pulled out we threw out when we cleaned the cage so what should we do? Last question we have the rabbits in an indoor cage so what should we do about a separate "box" for babies

You need to have something in with the babies to keep them warm. The other two will be another color probably gray or black, possibly like a wild rabbit too. The others the pink ones will be white.  Build them a nest box out of wood, or take a thick cardboard box and cut it so the mom gets in easily- make sure to tie it down so she cannot upset it. has a lot of information on it about breeding and rabbit raising.