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Scared if Bunny pregant? Not sure what to do!

22 9:58:11

Hi we got a bunny a few weeks ago, a female. We went to go get another one and we were told that it is A GIRL too. So we thought, "okay as long as they don't fight, they can stay together" They were acting kind of strange and it turns out that one of them is a male. How can you tell if she IS pregnant? I read something about feeling her stomach at 2 weeks and it should feel like marbles but im not sure. If she is can you please give me step by step on what I should do. Some people say you should touch the kits as soon as their born to make sure that none are dead but some say that I should wait for 8 days. If you can tell me when the babies should be due, when  i can hold them, when the start eating regular food etc, That would really help me. Thanks

first make sure the buck is separated from her.
feed as normal.
gestation is 28-32 days.
don't worry about feeling her stomach it wont tell you anything.
one good sign of pregnancy is she may get aggressive and try to bite you.
when babys come don't be in a hurry to see them just let her get on with rearing them and continue to feed and water as normal.check the babys after 3- 4 days. but first take the de out the nest box .