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rabbit with gastric statsis

22 11:08:58

vet gave rabbit propulsid 2x a day now down to 1x aday,we stareted propulsid on wednesday evening,emergeny visit to vet.rabbit 5 years old 5 pounds 8 ounces,drinking water ,but still does not want is food at all is getting insure with fiber from 4x aday now to 3x aday as per vet s knowledge this afternoon,just want  to know is this a slow process or by cutting back on tube feeding will he regain appetite,anything else i should do he is a indoor out of cage active spoiled bunny ,he is under coffee table now but just sitting ,not is playful self yet,vet said to cut back on ensure and propulsid,he is staring to pass stool and urine but not back to normal yet.thank you for any information .

I would start cutting back on the tube feedings like the vet sugested. As long as he is getting full on that stuff he is not going to want to eat regular food. He should be fine after a while. It sounds like you have a vet who knows how to care for rabbits. Most vets are not very good with them.