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parasites under rabbits skin?

22 9:50:35

Hi Dr. Dana Krempels,
My rabbits live in a fenced in outdoor area near pet dogs.  I was brushing one of my rabbits when I noticed a hard spot.  It looked like a scab and his hair continued to grow out of it.  I felt around the area and there's a lump, it seems, right under the skin and right by the scab looking thing.  When I brushed the fur of my other rabbits skin I noticed the same scab looking things except without the lump.  What could this be??  If you think it's a parasite or worm can you tell me how to treat it.  My last resort is taking them to the vet because of the cost.  I considered using Sentry Natural Defense (just a teensy bit) and some all natural garlic thing that supposed to help with fleas, mites, etc. on them.  What natural, do-it-myself remedy would you suggest (if there is one).
Thank you,
Shayna Fuller

Dear Shayna,

Without seeing the lesions, I cannot tell for sure what they might be.  But if you see a small hole in the lump and something moving inside, it could be a botfly warble.  This is the maggot of a fly that inhabits a cyst under the skin until it reaches a critical size, at which point it drops out of the cyst to pupate and metamorphose into an adult fly.

These are usually not fatal, but if the cyst becomes infected (which is not all that uncommon), serious side effects can occur.  Plus they are really gross.

I would strongly urge you to get your bunny to an experienced rabbit vet:

for proper diagnosis and treatment.  If you had parasites under your skin, you'd certainly want someone to take you to the emergency room, and your bunny deserves no less.

I hope this helps.
