Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > My male rabbit Prince........

My male rabbit Prince........

22 10:07:23

My male rabbit Prince has been twitching/jerking like he is having muscle spasms.  He is fixed, and he shares a cage with my female rabbit, Sweetie.  Last night I have noticed that he has been jerking.  When I hold him anmd when I don't hold him.  I do have a vet appointment on Friday the 13th of November 2009.  I am wondering what I can do to help my male rabbit, Prince until the appointment day.

I am thinking that he could be developing seizures.  I hope that he isn't.  He is a white rabbit but he has brown eyes.  He is a Netherland Dwarf.

Please help!

Thank you,

Hi Marsha,

trying to be realistic here, you should probably try to find emergency vets around your area that deal with rabbits, have one or two vets on staff for rabbits, and get in there now.  

Also you could try calling your vet again and explaining it's serious and it can't wait a week, they often leave a couple spots open in case emergency cases come in.  

Otherwise look here:

and see if there are other House Rabbit Society recommended vets in your area that can get you in with an emergency case.

You can't wait until next week for something like this.  Please don't.