Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > if im going to the pet shop ..........

if im going to the pet shop ..........

22 10:09:14

if i am going to the pet shop to buy my 2 rabbits how will i know if they are sick or not how could i know if i could take it home and its healthy . and thank you

Dear Dana,

The answer is: you can't.  This is why it is much better to *adopt* a needy bunny or pair of bunnies from your local rabbit rescuer.  The bunnies will already be spayed/neutered, saving you a huge expense, and they will have a known health history and personality profile.

You can find your closest rabbit rescuer here:

Or you can contact your local Humane Society or Animal Control and tell them you would like to rescue a bunny or two.  Save a life!  :)
I hope this helps!
