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Eating paper?

22 11:05:38

I have a 5 month old male rabbit, and he likes to chew, then swallow paper.  I give him unlimited timothy hay, and currently unlimited pellets due to his age, but he insists upon chewing on any paper he can find and swallowing large pieces if he is able.

I have been lining his cage with Carefresh, but it has gotten too expensive for me to keep doing.  So instead, I figured I would line his cage with some newspaper, but this proved to be a super delicious snack for Jack.  I can't not line his cage, because it has a plastic bottom, and he slips and slides and has a hard time lying down without half falling down.

So, my two questions are: What could I line his cage with so that he is comfortable that is not to expensive? and How can I get him to stop swallowing paper?

Hi Sara,

thanks for the question.  I have a good answer for you.  One of the best litters around is wood stove fuel pellets (compressed wood dust).  They are very absorbent and break down but don't get dusty.  You can easily tell what you need to scoop out and replace.  None of our rabbits have started eating them either.  You can generally find a 40-lb bag of wood stove fuel pellets for $5 or less per bag.  It's safe, inexpensive and it actually keeps odor down a bit (the ammonia in the urine).

You won't stop him eating paper.  Some rabbits really like it and just play with it, some want to eat it.  I'd just stop giving it to him or using it altogether.  Give him alternatives to chew - like plastic baby keys, untreated pine chew blocks and toys, sisal or seagrass mats or toys.
